Faith & Obedience 

A series of events have happened in the Hopkins household over the last month! It has been challenging but incredibly rewarding! I really believe that it will build the faith of some of you who read this! God has a word for you today so read on!

About 4 weeks ago, I received a word from God for my husband to leave his job. I wasn’t sure why, but I shared this with him and he started praying and applying for jobs elsewhere. He hadn’t received any offers for interviews. God then revealed to me a couple of days later that he had to leave his current job before he was going to get anything else. We were both quite scared to say the least! But had an underlying peace that God would provide. A week later, Reece wrote his resignation letter to his employer, without anything to go to. We prayed and prayed and prayed some more! 

The next day, Reece received a call from a company for an interview. He had applied for around 9 positions. This one was the highest paying and with the most opportunities to move up in the company. 

He went for the interview and received a letter of offer the next day. WOW! HOW GOOD IS GOD! 

As if we needed anything else, but He kept providing! A brand new laptop ( reeces had just died!) and a work phone! And what’s more! We were able to get a new car! Which we had been praying for! 

2 weeks had passed and it was in Reeces final days for his previous company and he got a call informing him that the company has just gone into voluntary administration. Woah. Crazy right?! God went before us and made us a path. What a legend! What a crazy journey! 

Last night, we were super blessed to be able to attend our church’s ‘to win a city’ dinner, where we were able to pledge an amount to give over the next 12 months to help build our next campus! I loved being in such a faith filled room! Reece and I pledged an amount that freaked us out a little! But we were still on a high from what God had just done with our finances so we knew that God would provide! 

This morning, I woke up and checked out accounts. Half of what we pledged was just sitting in our account. I literally have no idea how. All I know is that our God is faithful and He will provide and give us the desires of our heart!

Coincidence? I think not …
Take a step of faith today. Ask God what he wants you to do or change in your life and be obedient! God is so good and He will ALWAYS come through. 🌻

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