A Little Snippet

I haven’t blogged in a while so bear with me!

I thought I would share a little of my story hopefully to inspire others not to do what I did! So here goes!

I was taught by all of my high school teachers and mentors that if God speaks to me, I should listen. Let’s just say I learned this the hard way…

I was blessed enough to attend most of my schooling life at a Christian School so I was introduced to the Bible at a young age. Although, as I grew up in a non-Christian home I had pretty much no idea what the pastors at church were talking about. But I became more interested as time went on and started going to all of the Christian School events – there was one in particular that I can’t for the life of me remember the name of!

One of these events in particular that I remember so clearly (except for the name of it!) was when I was in year 9. I went along with all of my friends down to Hunter Christian School and it was a 3 day conference where we could choose different activities that we wanted to do and different parts of ministry that we were interested in – things like kids ministry, music, drama, leadership etc. I didn’t really understand too many roles that Church’s had at this point but I was so excited when I read that dance was an option. For any one who knows me – even a little bit – knows that I love to dance! So when it was time for that sermon I was super pumped!

I walked into the room by myself because none of my friends were remotely interested in dance at all and sat right down the front with a group of girls that I had met in the previous activity. A girl came and sat on a chair in front of us and started sharing her story. Basically she had danced all of her life – all over the world and lived a fabulous life!  She then explained that when she was in America dancing for a company, she felt God tell her that she shouldn’t dance any more. She didn’t really understand why at the time and she ignored him and continued dancing. God prompted her a second time and again, she ignored him. A few months later – she injured herself and was told she could never dance again. I know from experience – being told this is extremely hard! She was so angry at God for what had happened but God gentley reminded her that He told her to stop and that she should have listened. He wanted her out of that industry because He had better plans! When I heard her story, I was bought to tears. I was completely moved.

It was 3 years later when almost the exact same thing happened to me – except I wasn’t injured – YET!

God spoke to me so clearly when I was in year 11 at school – He told me that He didn’t want me in the dance industry any more – that it wasn’t in His plan and He wanted me to leave the studio I was currently with. I disobeyed. He kept telling me that I should leave several times and I disobeyed every single time. Until one day – He didn’t give me a choice. I was told by the owner of the studio not to come back and that she never wanted to see me again. As hard as that time was – it was the best thing that has ever happened to me. But I could have avoided MONTHS of pain if I had of obeyed God at the start.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. – Jeremiah 29:11

 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. – Proverbs 3:5-6

I really want to encourage you guys to listen if you’re being spoken to by God and pray that you will obey Him even if it gets tough and He will give you the strength that you need. Because His will will ALWAYS be done. Avoid the pain and just say yes.

Peace and Love x

One thought on “A Little Snippet

  1. Have watched your journey and have prayed many prayers for you and your family over the years… and man to say I’m grateful to The Lord and proud of you is an understatement.

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